Dr. Laurel Trainor, of the McMaster Institute For Music And The Mind presented groundbreaking research on the Suzuki Baby Music Class and its impact on infant development.
“The results indicate that active musical participation accelerates musical acquisition compared to passive listening when appropriate pedagogical approaches are used.
Participating in the Suzuki Baby Class is a unique and special opportunity for Portland children unlike any other early childhood music class.
Call Catherine at 503 244 6190 for more information or read http://www.suzukiportland.com/earlychildhood.html
SuzukiPortland Baby Class
Wednesdays 10-11 AM
1/5 - 4/20, 2011
SuzukiPortland & SuzukiLakeOswego Early Childhood Violin & Cello Program
Fridays 10-11 AM & 6-7 PM
1/7 - 4/22, 2011
503 244 6190 - violin/Catherine Whelan
504 635 3742 - cello/Valdine Mishkin