Jackie will present her Book Three Viola Graduation Recital on Sunday September 21, at 6:30 p.m., at Trinity Lutheran Church on Minter Bridge Road in Hillsboro.
Graduation recitals are given by all SuzukiPortland students starting when Book 2 has been completed. At this point in a student's learning, they have the skill to present a polished and beautiful public recital of Book 1. When the student has reached the end of Book 3, a Book 2 recital is given, then at the end of Book 4, a Book 3 recital is presented, and so forth through all the Suzuki repertoire. Learning an entire book ahead, before giving a recital of the last book finished, gives the student time to develop fluidity of technique and stronger musical ideas in each piece; it also brings meaning to the review process where these skills are developed and accumulated. Presenting a book recital helps each student develop confidence and skill in them self as a communicator: the recitalist's goal, is to serve the music and the audience. Recitals are played from memory, and students often add pieces of their own choice such as selections from a favorite movie, pieces learned outside the Suzuki repertoire, or on another instrument. Each Book Recital has a personality unique to the performer, and is a friendly celebration, a 'rite of passage' for each student on their musical journey!