In collaboration with Rose City Music Academy, Valdine Mishkin, director of SuzukiLakeOswego and Catherine Whelan, director of SuzukiPortland will be bringing Ed Sprunger, author of Helping Parents Practice to Portland for a Suzuki Violin Workshop on January 22-23, 2011. The first day will be devoted to supporting and inspiring parents and teachers, the second day to inspiring students.
Workshop Outline
Saturday January 22 (For Parents and Teachers)
Every Child Can! will be offered. Every Child Can!© (ECC) is an introduction to Dr. Suzuki’s philosophy and its application to Suzuki education. For parents, teachers, prospective teachers and others, this course provides an inspiring, in-depth look at the Suzuki approach to teaching and learning.
In addition to exploring the elements of the Suzuki approach and its far-reaching goals, it includes an introduction to learning styles, history of the development of Suzuki education, the role of parents, the importance of Suzuki pedagogical training, and an overview of the SAA’s role in supporting teachers and parents. A fast-paced, engaging and inspiring program, ECC includes video materials and SAA-developed courseware, and provides each participant with useful reference materials (manuals) for later study. For teachers, ECC serves as the first course in the Suzuki Association of the Americas’ Teacher Development Program.
Taught by Ed Sprunger, author of Helping Parents Practice, this class is sure to be lively and thought provoking. Parents from any Suzuki studio are welcome as are all Suzuki teachers be they prospective or practicing.
Sunday January 23 (For Students)
Three hours of Master Classes will take place at Lewis and Clark College in the Evans Music Center with Ed Sprunger. We will add a fourth hour if there is a demand.
The workshop will also include a one hour multi-level group class taught by Ed Sprunger. There is a fun-filled learning opportunity for participants to sign-up for the group class only. This is a multi-level class and is sure to be inspiring.
The multi-level group class will be open to any Suzuki student who wishes to attend so feel free to sign-up together with your friends in various studios.
The fee for the Every Child Can! class for parents and teachers is $100.
The fee for the student workshop is $45 for the masterclass and group class. The group class only is $20.
For an application, email
I look forward to seeing you at the workshop!